Sunday, August 25, 2013

WEEK 05____________

TASK01: Consider today's lecture , THE SUBLIMINAL, in relation to the EXP01 brief and marking schedule, and use decals, brushes, entities and vegetation to begin to configure your unique letter / number combination, on at 5 scales ranging from the macro to the micro. Discuss your strategy for the revealing of your unique combination with your tutor.

Different methods of revealing my letter number combination (R+4): 


Within the larger letter that shapes the island there is a smaller 'R' revealed within the terrain through textures, rivers and vegetation.

Flipping  the '4' horizontally there  is an 'R' that shapes the island.

Entities have been used to reveal the letter from the above mountainside.

On a smaller scale, benches around a fire place along with some maritine objects reveal the letter aerially, which would not be noticed from ground level.

Using a combination of objects and textures the number is only revealed in particular viewing positions.

The shape of the bottom part of the island. On ground level this cannot be known.

Utilizing entities to form the number when seen from the above cliff face.


TASK01: Write a paragraph describing your strategy for the concealing and the revealing of your letter / number combination, to be embedded into your island.

The strategies I aim to utilize in revealing my letter/number combination is through using the environment settings such as fog, cloud shading and sunlight beams to attract the viewers attention to a concealed object at a particular time. This can be particularly distinctive due to the fact that my island is made up of extreme snowy conditions and therefore the revealment can be completely subtly. 

I believe the concealment of my letter/number is very sufficient as I have purposely developed each one through a combination of more than one entity/texture/object/etc at a time. I will therefore reveal some letter/numbers less subtly than others in order to show that there has been a clear thought process.

TASK02: Complete a full draft of the outcomes required for EXP1. See the OUTPUTS section of the EXP1 brief for what is required; a full draft includes all of those outputs. While each of the outputs might not be finished they do need to present a clear indication of the strengths and opportunities of the scheme.



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