Monday, August 12, 2013

WEEK 03____________

TASK01: Find an image of work for these landscape painters / landscape architects / architects / gardens.

Claude Lorrain - 'Capriccio with Ruins of the Roman Forum', ca.1634

William Gilpin - 'Furness Abbey School', 1772-74

Capability Brown - Wimpole Gothic Folly

Humphrey Repton - 'The Rosary'. 19th Century
JMW Turner - 'Modern Rome Campo Vaccino'. 1839
TASK02: Choose 4 of these reference images and recreate similar scenes located at various 'stations' or 'spots' within your island. Like the Grand Tourists, navigate your way around the brushes / objects provided within the Rollup Bar. Bring in objects you think are appropriate for creating a Picturesque landscape within your island, and that are also appropriate for your custom island. Think about the following terms related to the Picturesque:

  • dividing the image into foreground, middle ground, background
  • vegetation; trees, shrubs etc.
  • navigation, pathways, [roads]
  • framing the view
  • ruins
  • follies
  • bridges, animals, water, pathways, vegetation
  • ha-has / manipulating, shaping the land.





TASK01: Choose a 5th reference image to represent within your custom island. Continue detailing your island, using vegetation, decals, roads, water volumes, terrain layer painting to enrich your island.

- I decided to generate a normal terrain in Geocontrol and use features such as rivers and textures to create my letter/number (R, 4) combination. To make them even more concealed I began importing trees and rocks.


TASK02: Upload a short clip demonstrating the results of today's tasks, navigating through your custom island to the places you set your scene. Upload to Youtube and link it to your blog.

The idea of the 'picturesque' as seen in the lecture shows a direct contrast between the planned vs nature. Often the artists reoganized the landscapes to romanticise "Nature as it should be" - one that I found particularly interesting was Capability Browns ideas of drowning the architecture as seen in one of his works of a bridge. This 'Folly' is something that has inspired me for my own island to reveal structures that would usually be viewed as beautiful however are now in a state of decay - where nature has taken over.

Capability Brown - Blenheim Bridge

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