Sunday, August 25, 2013

WEEK 05____________

TASK01: Consider today's lecture , THE SUBLIMINAL, in relation to the EXP01 brief and marking schedule, and use decals, brushes, entities and vegetation to begin to configure your unique letter / number combination, on at 5 scales ranging from the macro to the micro. Discuss your strategy for the revealing of your unique combination with your tutor.

Different methods of revealing my letter number combination (R+4): 


Within the larger letter that shapes the island there is a smaller 'R' revealed within the terrain through textures, rivers and vegetation.

Flipping  the '4' horizontally there  is an 'R' that shapes the island.

Entities have been used to reveal the letter from the above mountainside.

On a smaller scale, benches around a fire place along with some maritine objects reveal the letter aerially, which would not be noticed from ground level.

Using a combination of objects and textures the number is only revealed in particular viewing positions.

The shape of the bottom part of the island. On ground level this cannot be known.

Utilizing entities to form the number when seen from the above cliff face.


TASK01: Write a paragraph describing your strategy for the concealing and the revealing of your letter / number combination, to be embedded into your island.

The strategies I aim to utilize in revealing my letter/number combination is through using the environment settings such as fog, cloud shading and sunlight beams to attract the viewers attention to a concealed object at a particular time. This can be particularly distinctive due to the fact that my island is made up of extreme snowy conditions and therefore the revealment can be completely subtly. 

I believe the concealment of my letter/number is very sufficient as I have purposely developed each one through a combination of more than one entity/texture/object/etc at a time. I will therefore reveal some letter/numbers less subtly than others in order to show that there has been a clear thought process.

TASK02: Complete a full draft of the outcomes required for EXP1. See the OUTPUTS section of the EXP1 brief for what is required; a full draft includes all of those outputs. While each of the outputs might not be finished they do need to present a clear indication of the strengths and opportunities of the scheme.



Monday, August 19, 2013

WEEK 04____________

TASK01: Experiment with the Skyboxes provided to help you recreate the mood and drama evident in your chosen image, with your own Island:

Just getting started - playing with skybox and time of day settings
Playing around with the time of day, skybox and environment settings I was able to get some different view shots from the same location.

One piece of work that I found particularly interesting in the lecture today was one of Russell's modern examples of the sublime being - Olafur Eliasson's installation 'Blind Passenger'. I think this is a really great example of the sublime as it presents that moment in time where normal instincts are blurred and a sense of uncertainty and i guess 'horror' takes over as the people transition through this unfamiliar, atmospherically dense pathway. This installation directly translates the quote by Edmund Burke given earlier in the lecture;

"The passion caused by the great and the sublime in nature, when those causes operate most powerfully is Astonishment, and astonishment is that state of the soul in which all its motions are suspended, with some degree of horror… No passion so effectively robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear."

Monday, August 12, 2013

WEEK 03____________

TASK01: Find an image of work for these landscape painters / landscape architects / architects / gardens.

Claude Lorrain - 'Capriccio with Ruins of the Roman Forum', ca.1634

William Gilpin - 'Furness Abbey School', 1772-74

Capability Brown - Wimpole Gothic Folly

Humphrey Repton - 'The Rosary'. 19th Century
JMW Turner - 'Modern Rome Campo Vaccino'. 1839
TASK02: Choose 4 of these reference images and recreate similar scenes located at various 'stations' or 'spots' within your island. Like the Grand Tourists, navigate your way around the brushes / objects provided within the Rollup Bar. Bring in objects you think are appropriate for creating a Picturesque landscape within your island, and that are also appropriate for your custom island. Think about the following terms related to the Picturesque:

  • dividing the image into foreground, middle ground, background
  • vegetation; trees, shrubs etc.
  • navigation, pathways, [roads]
  • framing the view
  • ruins
  • follies
  • bridges, animals, water, pathways, vegetation
  • ha-has / manipulating, shaping the land.





TASK01: Choose a 5th reference image to represent within your custom island. Continue detailing your island, using vegetation, decals, roads, water volumes, terrain layer painting to enrich your island.

- I decided to generate a normal terrain in Geocontrol and use features such as rivers and textures to create my letter/number (R, 4) combination. To make them even more concealed I began importing trees and rocks.


TASK02: Upload a short clip demonstrating the results of today's tasks, navigating through your custom island to the places you set your scene. Upload to Youtube and link it to your blog.

The idea of the 'picturesque' as seen in the lecture shows a direct contrast between the planned vs nature. Often the artists reoganized the landscapes to romanticise "Nature as it should be" - one that I found particularly interesting was Capability Browns ideas of drowning the architecture as seen in one of his works of a bridge. This 'Folly' is something that has inspired me for my own island to reveal structures that would usually be viewed as beautiful however are now in a state of decay - where nature has taken over.

Capability Brown - Blenheim Bridge

Monday, August 5, 2013

WEEK 02____________

TASK01: "Find 5 reference images of different landscapes. Post them to your blog. Include an image of your country of origin. In a short sentence, list characteristics of the vegetation, terrain, lighting for each one. 

Futurism; islands on stilts above the calm waters. Cities mirrored on both planes of the surface.  Mystic fog and sun seeping through the clouds. Mode of travel between island = flying in futuristic air craft.

Unworldly glow from dark ocean. Cliff terrain silhouettes in distance. Stars illuminating in the night. 
Carefully constructed and organized landscapes. Methodical.  Varying greens and other earthy textures. 
 Familiar, Cooler landscape. Fog on snowy mountains in background. Rushing water under footbridge and through rocks in foreground. Soft cool colours. 
Picturesque mountain side alongside calm lake. Mirrored reflections of mountains on water surface. Pebbles cover the floor. Sharp, warm colours
Unkept, foggy, moldy forest with soft light penetrating through the trees. Orange/red/purple/blue tones. 


TASK02: Go to and download and install the demo version of Geocontrol2. This is the program that will help you create dramatic landforms in Crysis.

Test Terrain 1

Test terrain texture - dessert 1

TASK03: "Along with your chosen reference image, use Geocontrol2, Photoshop and Crysis, and follow this tutorial to help you begin creating your custom island, based on the last letter of your last name and last number of your student ID, as stated in the EXP01 brief and marking schedule. Think about the placement and arrangement of you letter / number combination, in order to maximise a variety of different spaces."

Here is the tutorial on how to use the custom terrain editor to embed my number and letter.

I am having a problem logging in to the Crysis Editor as the webpage has been offline for the last few weeks and I do not know what my password is. This is a problem I have been trying to resolve and MUST resolve quickly. In the mean time I have been using one of Roz's accounts. 

Lecture Description
This weeks lecture looked at the concept of Real vs. Representation. I particularly found interesting Ron Muecks hyperrealistic scultpural forms. I had seen these works before however I had no idea that they were only made to be shot from a particular angle, and therefore are only half modelled. This idea is something that I must also aim to achieve when design my island in order to not waste time modelling objects that will not be seen.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


TASK01: "Getting Started And Folder Structure". Make a blogpost listing 5 things you learned about the Sandbox folder structure. 

First things first - one has to download the Build of CryEngine 3. This can be done by going to the website I downloaded the free SDK version, however if you were to download other versions the same instructions mentioned throughout this post will apply. 

When you download the SDK you will have a folder you must rename with your student ID. e.g: z1234567_v3_4_0. NOTE: do not include any spaces or symbols in any of your file and folder names! This folder contains all of the subfolders necessary to run and use the program. 

The file path to this should be; 

'My Computer -> Program Files (x86) -> Electronic Arts -> Crytek -> z3252414_v3_4_5 (your renamed folder)'


  • Bin32 and Bin64 - Executables: Game files and Editor files.  
  • Code - Examples and Scripts 
  • Editor - Files and items for the editor are stored (i.e Time of Day, Object/Sound/Weapon Templates, etc.)
  • Engine - Shader files and others relating to the engine
  • Game - These are important - .pak files that contain all that is necessary for the gaming to operate (i.e Animations/Cgf files/Sounds/Materials/Textures,etc.) 
    • This can be opened and extracted with WinZip/WinRAR/FileZilla/etc to unlock any materials or objects within the .paks.
  • Localization - not important
  • LogBackups - not important
  • Temp - not important
  • TestResults - not important
  • Tools - This contains subfolders such as CrashHandler/Cry Max Tools/ Fmod Designer/ etc. 
    • It is recommended that you open the "SettingsMgr.exe" file atleast once before working to make sure that the engine detects the resource compiler (indicated by green dot). The resource compiler compiles cgf's when exporting assets and compiles textures into dds textures (very important!). To ensure everything is working make sure that the root director is pointing to the Build that you are using. 
    • Next make sure that your plugins are installed - This has to be done manually:
      • To install the plugin for Photoshop - Open the Bin32 folder - look for the files "zlib1.dll", "jpeg62.dll", "libtiff3.dll" and "CryTIFFPlugin.llbi" - copy these files and paste them on the root of your Photoshop folder (Program Files -> Adobe -> Photoshop). 
      • To install the plugin for 3ds Max - Go into the root folder where 3ds Max is installed, open Plugins folder - paste the file "CryExport14_64.dlu" file from the Crytek tools folder. 
      • Installing CryMaxTools - open CryMaxTools folder ( 'My Computer -> Program Files (x86) -> Electronic Arts -> Crytek -> z3252414_v3_4_5 -> Tools -> CryMaxTools') and open the file "". In the file type in the letter of the drive that you have 3ds Max installed in (i.e. Drive: 'C'). This will automatically install the file for you and close after. This provides you with a new menu panel when operating in 3dsMAX with useful tools for creating collision proxies and debugging, etc. 
There is also a file labeled "system.cfg" which contains comments that will load when you turn on the editor. Therefore if one wants to make custom comments they should replicate. contains a huge list of articles and guides to solve any problems that may occur.


TASK02: "Overview Of The CryENGINE 3 Sandbox User Interface". Make a blogpost listing 10 tips and tricks related to the Sandbox User Interface.

Overview of Sandbox user interface:

  1. Viewport: The large middle section is obviously the viewport. 
  2. Stats: Statistics of the level you have loaded
  3. Perspective: The current viewport. If you right-click on the text you can change the viewport to a number of different customized views (i.e. point mode, wireframe, labels, view direction, etc.)
  4. The Resolution of the Viewport: Right-clicking this allows you to change to other default resolutions. Alternatively by changing size of the viewport (e.g. by moving removing or altering tab bars) you can customize the resolution.
  5. By Name Functions: Allows you to search a particular object name to view and isolate particular objects. (i.e. by typing 'Rock' the view automatically hides everything within the game besides the rocks).
  6. Status Bar: Information bar gives notices on any selections made within the level. 'Lock selection' locks any selected objects within the coordinates they are currently in. The XYZ bars show where an object is located within the area of the level and allows you to move these selections accordingly. 'Speed' refers to the speed at which the camera moves around the level (lower figure = slower movements). 'AiPhysics' allows you to spawn in game whilst still in editor mode. 'Go to Position' provides world coordinates XYZ of where the camera is located and can be customized accordingly. 
  7. Console: Allows you to input comments and provides warnings of any errors that may occur within Sandbox. By double clicking the input bar you can find a selection of comments to apply to the level. (i.e. By typing 'Motion Blur' in the search bar it provides the commands relating to Motion Blurs within the levels, which can then be altered)
  8. Roll-up Bar: Anything imported/created/modified within the editor will appear in the roll-up bar. This is a very important bar!
    1. Create Tab: Allows you to build a series of entities within the editor. 
    2. Modify Tab: Allows you to modify features within the level (i.e Terrain, Vegetation, Layer painting, etc.)
    3. Hide by Category Tab: Allows you to hide/view specific categories of features within the level. 
    4. Layer Manager: Where you can create/manage/modify the layers within the level.
  9. File Bar: Standard functions that are available in most computer programs. Most of the functions found in other tabs can also be found within the File bar tabs. 
  10. Tool Bars: (Left - Right)
    1. Editor Tool Bar: Undo/redo functions
    2. Linking entities
    3. Drop down menu allows you to narrow you selection capabilities based on categories
    4. Selection tools: Select and move/rotate/scale tools. 
    5. Select Terrain: Allows you to select a portion of the Terrain which can then be exported and edited.
    6. XYZ Tools: Provides restraints for movements of an object. (Selecting 'Z' restrains the movement of an object to purely the Z axis.)
    7. Snap to Terrain/Snaps to Objects: Restrains objects to follow the terrain when moving and snap to specific objects within the level.
    8. Snap to Grid/Angle Snap: Allows an object to snap in a modular sense to another object. The drop down menus allow you to customize the grid length and snap rotation.  
    9. Ruler Tool: Allows you to measure lengths between two points.
    10. Select Objects: Provides a list of all the objects within the level which can then be selected quickly and altered accordingly (i.e. Hidden).  
    11. Save Selected objects/Load Objects: Allows you to save selected objects to a file path which can then be loaded into the level at the exact same coordinates at any time. 
    12. Layer Manager: Hide/Unhide layers 
  11. Object Tool Bar: Allows you to modify objects
    1. Terrain Tool bar - modify terrain features and lighting setup for the level.
  12. Dialogue Tool Bar: A tab with the most common dialogues in it. 
TASK01: "Customising The Editor" Make a blogpost listing 5 ways you might customize your Sandbox editor setup.
  1. By changing the setup of your Window panels you can customize the sandbox editor to suit personal preference. For example Panel tabs can "float" within a specific area of the screen or can be embedded within each other to provide several tabs within the one window - allowing more space. 
  2. Using the "View" drop down menu (in File bar) you can make tools visible or hidden by simply ticking (enabling) them. (i.e. the Console/ Dialogues/Tool bars.
  3. Going into the "Tools" drop down menu (in File bar) -> Customize Keyboard -> There are several tabs that allow you to customize Toolbars/Commands/Options and Keyboard (hot keys) by turning the subcomponents on or off.
  4. Tools -> Preferences -> Allows you to change any General settings (i.e saving map automatically at an incremental time)/ Viewports (i.e. field of views, aspect ratio)/ Flow graphs/ Texture Browser/ etc. For example; Going to Preferences->Console Background: Allows you to change the background colours of the interface to whatever colour you'd like.
  5. Tools -> Configure User Commands: Allows you to create a panel in the main view that contains all of the most used commands. 
TASK02: "Viewports" Make a blogpost listing 3 different ways of moving around your level.

-    There are various methods of moving around within the gaming level. The first and most common is the same as most other computing gaming softwares;
       "W" - Move Forward
       "A" - Move Left
       "S" - Move Backwards
       "D" - Move Right 
       "Right Mouse Button" - Look Around
       "Middle Mouse Button" - Pan Around

"Ctrl + G" allows you to spawn into the game. 

-    Alternatively, if you do not want to use a combination of the keyboard and mouse;
"Middle mouse button" + "Right mouse button" at the same time whilst moving the mouse around allows you to move around the level. Note: The faster you move the mouse the faster your player will move. 

-    Pressing "Shift" whilst moving forward also allows you to move the player faster. 
-    Using the Mouse Wheel also allows you to move forwards and backwards. 
-    "Alt + Middle mouse button" at same time allows you to rotate around the axis you are currently standing in. 

-   Turning the terrain button in the "Status bar" on/off (shortcut "Q") allows you to fly around the level with the ability to go through terrain or alongside it (depending on if it is on or not). For example, by having the button on, when flying throughout the level the player is unable to go through the terrain and therefore moves just above the surface at all times. 

-   "Go to Position" button in the Status bar allows you to enter a position coordinate (XYZ) within the level to be relocated to. 
-   "Ctrl + F1"allows you to save an exact camera position/view within the level. Then once you have moved around, if you want to go back to that exact position/view press "Shift + F1."
          NOTE: This same feature works with all of the F keys (F2 - F12) allowing you to save various camera positions/views.

TASK03: "User Interface Panels – Overview" Make a blogpost that identifies 5 shortcuts or buttons, and what each of their functions are.
  • "Ctrl + T": Opens the "Select objects panel". This window gives an overview of all of the objects within the level and allows you to search for objects to select. Additionally, you can use the "Filter by" function to narrow search results. 
  • "S" - Opens the "Search browser". This allows you to browse and search for assets/textures/brushes and sounds and bring them into the editor.
  • "D+B" - Opens the "Data Base View Panel". This panel has various uses. It shows all of the entities library allowing you to change entity properties to customize to personal preference. For example, changing the weight of an object to allow the player to pick it up.  Additionally, the panel contains useful tabs relating to Prefab Library, Vegetation, Particles, Music, etc. that all contain libraries to be edited and managed for your level. 
  • "F+G" - Opens the "Flow-graph Panel". Allows you to script anything in your level to create triggers, lighting, sensors, etc. 
"Track View panel" within the View drop down menu in the File bar allows you create camera setups for animations and walk-throughs. 

TASK04: In approximately 50 words reflect on this weeks lecture and make a unique observation regarding its content as it relates to your own work.

Todays lecture we just went through the course outline and discussed what kinds of work are acceptable for the assessment. Some of the previous years works where shown, overall I thought they were quite good efforts although most students had the same dark, ominous and mysterious themes within there trailers.